Monday, December 8, 2014


Recently many volunteer hours have been spent rehabbing existing singletrack and also working on the new gateway trails as part of the Richmond Regional Ride Center project.  I've been fortunate to be a part of the volunteer force that's getting it done.  

The first phase of the project, the Gateway trails, are characterized by an undulating trail surface that has been shaped to give an experience unlike other trails in the area.  Each loop is about 1/2 mile in length and feature a "lifted and tilted" trail alignment with grade reversals and an outslope to shed water.  Designed by IMBA Trail Solutions, and optimized for hand cyclists, the Gateway trails will be equally as fun for kids and beginners as well.  

The second phase of the project, the Bell Built trail, is underway and should be completed by Spring 2015. 

Volunteers are still needed to complete these new trails and continue to support and maintain our current trail inventory.  

To volunteer, get involved or donate, please visit The Friends of Pocahontas State Park and RVA MORE.  

photo credits:  Wayne Poteat, David Boyle, and me.

1 comment:

David said...

Hey, I know some of those folks. Good crew.